
Showing posts from July, 2017

Vatta's War (series) — Elizabeth Moon

If a military life was long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror—as one of her instructors had said—then civilian life seemed to be long periods of boredom interrupted by moments of dismal reflection. --Kylara Vatta, “Trading in Danger” (Vatta’s War #1) A combination of sci-fi epic and space opera, Elizabeth Moon’s 5-book Vatta's War series follows the unlikely rise of Kylara Vatta from politically disgraced military cadet to rookie captain of a derelict merchant tub to Commander-in-chief of a multisystem military force which may someday (you guessed it) save the world. The Basics: Ky Vatta, expelled from her military training at Spaceforce Academy because of a public relations fiasco, is the only daughter of the wealthy CEO of a multisystem space shipping company. She’s also smart as a whip, extremely disciplined, and stubborn as all get out. As the main character of the Vatta’s War series, she’s initially too naïve and trusting, but she lear