
Showing posts from August, 2017

We — Yevgeny Zamyatin

" A person is like a novel: you don't know how it will end until the very last page. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth reading to the very end. " —I-330, We We  is a "classic" dystopian fiction written in 1924 by Russian author Yevgeny Zamyatin. Comparable in style to other classic dystopians Brave New World  (Aldous Huxley - 1932) and 1984  (George Orwell - 1949), We  paints a picture of a possible future that is both wildly beyond imagining and uncomfortably similar to society today. The Basics: D-503, Builder of the Integral, is a proud cipher of the One State. He's a mathematician, someone whose mind works in numbers and geometric planes better than words. Regardless, D has decided to keep a record, a true and honest account of his thoughts and experiences. His hope: that when the Integral is completed, his record will be sent out among the stars to explain to other people on new planets what life in the One State is like. In his account, D e